
Useful Links

This page contain some news website that really interesting to know about it. It's about technology, security and cyber crime these websites might help you effectively in your daily life if you read it at least monthly.

To enter the website and view it press on the name of the website near the computer icon (:).

: security4arabs
Security 4 Arabs are an Arabic society website, the goal of this website is awareness people from technology, how to secure themselves from hackers, and attacks. This website has 11 parts, which are: tools, news, specific security, protection, maim articles, attack experience, security analysis, cyper-crimes, explanations, general, and member contributions. (Albatool Alukayli )

       : Tech-wd
      The world of technology is a blog published news and tutorials and articles in many well-known technical areas. Also it Is publishes progress on a daily basis the latest news Web 2.0 and new computers, mobile and other technical devices Services, and programming and design tutorials in addition to the general technical articles and in which the book discusses technology or new technology issues, and also covers Entries many important technical exhibitions in addition to personal interviews with many successful and those interested in technology the parts: news, website, articles, applications, reports, events, company's. (Latifa Altwaem)

:   Aitnews

Gateway Technical News "technical news service" this website provide to Arab media on the various types of electronic. This website has 6 parts; news, technical axes, mobile phones, new threads and leadership. (Hayat Aldhahri)

       : Isecur1ty 
Isecur1ty is an Arabic website which particular in information security. The website focus on teaching how to protect and secure your information. The parts of the website are( videos explanations , articles, courses ,books and magazine). (Rawan Sonbol)  

        : Secomunity  
 Cyber Security Society that is the name of the website that has nine parts: Hacker News, Android Hacking and security news, hacking testing, Cybercrime, Information systems, security, security experts, Linux news and some explanations, and WikiLeaks news. Moreover the website has manage by 3 Arab experience guys, their names are Mohammed Lahlou as technician manager, Abdullah Jaknoor, and Ahmed Liksays, and the website wants to disseminate the Cyber security in ethical and educational way, so the site attract the user with the designs that uses in the site, and it has a great news include some lesson that helps users to get an idea of cybercrimes and security. Moreover, the user can contact with the web managers as direct and also can contact them by any social media, so that makes the website as usable for the user, In addition the website has an easy interfaces, and good colors to get user's attention.  (Ahad Alhudali) 


  1. Great, I really learned and enjoyed form this page. Thank you very much!
    It really enhanced my knowledge and it keeps me in-touch with all the new things regarding security and cyber crime.

    Haya Al-Shareef.

  2. Good job! I visited all these web site and i found it very helpful and interesting.
    also i like your design it is clear and comfortable for eye ^_^
    All the best..

    Reham asiri

  3. great work! this website's information and design is wonderful to visit every now and then for a detailed and necessary reference.

    sara bahagari

  4. great work! this website's information and design is wonderful to visit every now and then for a detailed and necessary reference.

    sara bahagari

  5. I like your blog and the design of it
    Good job


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