
Case study

This Page is an example about phishing website, to show you some real attacks happens in our real life. this case study is about the Olympic. 

Lawsuit: Shut down fake Olympic ticket Web sites

August 4, 2008,

The IOC and the USOC filed lawsuits on July 22 against several Web sites -- primarily and -- for illegally using Olympic trademarks to dupe customers into giving them credit card, passport and banking information. Several consumers who purchased tickets from the site contacted the USOC when they did not receive tickets, despite numerous calls and e-mails to the Web sites founder, according to a USOC press release.

The scam has hit Olympic fans in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, England, Japan, China and Norway, according to media reports. This website was developed by an expert hacker who beleived to be arrested in London and managed to steal the victim's data. The hotline has received hundreds of calls from around the globe with consumers detailing losses as high as $57,000. That site is now shut down and no contact information is available.

The site priced tickets for Friday's Olympic opening ceremony at about $2,000, with events such as swimming selling for between $300 and $500. The site is the first entry that comes up for a Google search for "Olympic tickets," second only to the authorized dealer of Olympic tickets, The Web site site lists a London phone number, which rang unanswered. The site lists an office address in Arizona.

 This video shows what happens:

Based on this case study, classify the behavior of this crime according to the following classes: 

Actor type:

Hacker- skilled hacker
Actor class is entity that executing the attack and it is divided to commercial computer, hacker, insider, organized criminal group and protest group.
Because the website was developed by an expert hacker who believed to be arrested in London and managed to steal the victim's data.


Foreign actor
Refers to the country or state from where an attack is lunched, the actor location can thus be outside the targets national borders.
Because the hacker located in London, and the affected countries were United States, Australia, New Zealand, England, Japan, China and Norway. So its outside the target national borders.



Class specifies reasons for an attack.
Because he want’s to get personal information from the customers such as credit card, passport and banking information. That’s information will help him to get Money fraudulently or by stealing money. The goal is to fraud easily by hacking and faking the Olympics website.


Attack or goal is any attempt to destroy, expose, alter, disable, steal or gain unauthorized access to or make unauthorized use of an asset
Because he wants to steal people money and information of users based on buy the Olympic tickets.


Access- phishing
A particular procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one.
Because he targeted social engineering type, he create a fake website looks like the original Olympics website to get what he wants.

   -For more information about this case study please visit our classmate “blog”.

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  1. Oh! It is such a good thing to share this case study in order for us to learn for it and protect our selves from such attack.
    Because not all the people can distinguish between fake and real attack. For that I really encourage them to read more about phishing.

    Haya Al-Shareef.

  2. very nice way to put your case study's answers in a table. loved the method and the answers. my favourite cyber crime blog.

    sara bahagari

  3. very nice way to put your case study's answers in a table. loved the method and the answers. my favourite cyber crime blog.

    sara bahagari


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